Legend of Tuiren

Pronunciation: Tir-en
Meaning: beauty
In Irish mythology, the tale The Birth of Bran tells the story of Tuiren, Fionn mac Cumhaill.'s aunt (mother's younger sister).
Tuiren's story began with her marriage to Iollan Eachtach. However, their happiness was short-lived as Iollan had previously promised his love to a fairy woman, Uchtdealbh. When Uchtdealbh learned of Iollan and Tuiren's marriage, she transformed Tuiren into a hound out of jealousy.
As a hound, Tuiren was sent to Fionn mac Cumhaill, who was unaware of her true identity. He placed her in the care of his trusted hounds, Bran and Sceolan. Despite her transformation, Tuiren retained her gentle nature and become a beloved member of Fionn's household.
Eventually, the truth about Tuiren's transformation came to light. Through the intervention of Fionn and his allies, Tuiren was restored to human form.
Source: Luminarium
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