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Coffee Costs Bite

We've been so lucky over recent times with strong demand on our range of coffee and it's been great to share good news when there's been so much tough news around. 
Like any small business there are always challenges in bringing our award winning coffee to you and a recent one has been world coffee prices. There have been huge increases in raw coffee prices across the world while Brazil (the worlds largest coffee producer) has suffered the twin effects of a hard frost (the worst since 1994) and a drought at the same time as logistical issues caused by Covid.

As a result, coffee production is badly affected and the knock-on effect on Coffee and transport prices has become clearer over recent weeks. While the raw bean price is not the only thing that affects the price of a cup of coffee, it’s clear that there will, in many cases, be an effect all the way through to you the coffee consumer.
We’re also seeing bean suppliers and roasters endeavouring to hold more stock to mitigate against the transport costs and delays that are all too well known, particularly for us in Northern Ireland.

We’ve been working hard to find ways to mitigate the effect this will have on our customers by a combination of forward ordering, increasing our stock levels and, frankly, just bearing some of the increase ourselves. However we will have to increase our prices in the coming weeks. 
We realise these are challenging times for all of us. Many of the coffee growers have had their livelihoods severely affected by this and of course we’re well aware of the challenges our own businesses and consumers face here in Northern Ireland. As we have grown we have been able to absorb increased costs which has allowed us to avoid price increases for several years but this time we have no choice. We have always wanted to keep our pricing very competitive so that our coffee can be enjoyed by more people. 
So you still have time to get your great coffee from us before the inevitable price increases. We'll keep you posted on the increases but, it's clear to say, there's never been a better time to try our award winning coffee. 
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